BARAHONA, DOMINICAN REPUBLIC — The MMS workshop has ended. Yet, after seeing evidence that the Genesis II compound is being watched by someone, perhaps from a satellite location, it is striking to see the fervor with which the remaining attendees explore the potential of chlorine dioxide (ClO2), via the MMS product and protocol.
The night that the group introductions were held was touching. Among the 20-something people gathered, there were at least 10 family and spousal losses attributed to cancer. One woman, C.W., was not among that statistical group of cancer losses, or “survivors.” She was thriving once again after being diagnosed with breast cancer, and saying “no” to chemotherapy and radiation.
When she reiterated her intention to not take the standard treatments, her doctor told her that he thought she would have come to her senses and not make such an ignorant decision.
Talk about bedside manner.
C.W. didn’t even know about MMS, which appeared on the scene the very next day. It was introduced to her by a friend.
She used many tools to restore the nutritional and microbial balance in her body, including diet and lifestyle changes, nutritional supplementation, exercise, and yes, MMS.
Hair analysis taken in 2009 showed extremely high levels of heavy metals. After a year of lifestyle changes, including the “old school” MMS protocol (15 drops activated, two or three times daily), hair analysis revealed barely detectable heavy metal counts.
All this from a “dangerous bleach.”
We don’t often hear the stories of people who have beat cancer and other debilitating conditions, mostly because those who do, find little support from their traditional health care professional, or the system that they work in.
Condescending tones by doctors are typical when patients choose to take another path. C.W.’s doctor threw additional sauce on the stew by telling her she’d be dead in six months.
Indifference or disinterest is another common response when patients choose to go outside the orthodoxy.
People who use MMS aren’t looking to go outside the medical orthodoxy. However, they have weighed modern medicine’s track record in treating degenerative and chronic diseases, and find the standard solutions unacceptable.
They are also beginning to realize that the human body can indeed restore its health if we are sensitive to its needs, and the environment that led to the dysfunction.
One common sentiment of the group that came to spend some time with, and listen to Jim Humble, who had the insight and gumption to develop a protocol for activating and using chlorine dioxide inside the body, is to build a better world. Fundamental to that better world is a healthy population. MMS is seen as a valuable and viable way to do it.
A healthy world; a healthy, balanced people, is an idea we’ve not had much experience with. It is touching to see the passion that this group of people from disparate continents, countries, and backgrounds share, for humanity.
Whatever happens to MMS, I know they’re out there.
HI Adam
It’s JustMe again and I like to compliment you. I’m night-porter right now and it is quiet so I looked through as many pages as I could find of you reporting about MMS and our friend Jim Humble.
The layout and colors of your pages are very nice and tastefully done.
I also think you have a way with words and are usually polite and accommodating even to none-believers. I assure you when you become a bit impatient sometimes with some ignorant ney-sayer who do not know what they are talking about because they have no experience to prove what they say is true. We KNOW MMS works, because we proved it on our-self and we are still alive and well to witness to what we say. halleluja…
I also toke the liberty to use the link so nicely presented by Paul to check out your CV, not for the reason he posted it , but to get to know you better.
I like the statement that you went on to the school of live. no better school can be found then life itself, so I I’m not surprised that you do not only have knowledge, but also wisdom. the latter can only be found in the school of life!
Keep the candle burning…
God bless you!
Dear JustMe,
Thank you for your presence, interest, energy, and perspective. It’s not really important to respond to an attack with counter-attack. Simply continue giving information, which is not for the attackers, but for those who sincerely want to understand; those “with the eyes to see and the ears to hear.”
And most importantly, hearts that are open.
Best wishes,
I managed to open up a profile here and had to change my name, because JustMe was taken…hi…hi…I wonder by who!
But what they heck, went back to using my favorite nickname instead, and if I was successful, my avatar should come up soon to and the guess-work who I am will be over.
Rhys gets the 1st price for guessing right…:)
I wish I could have been there. I’m wondering if sodium chlorite suppliers in Canada are still in operation? I have not worked this yr and have very little money but feel compelled to stockpile what I can while I can.
As it presently stands, it seems that the FDA is concentrating on PGL. It’s available in Canada. Look for water purification drops.